Sorry for the long delay in a post. Things have gotten quite busy around here. The last couple weeks at work have had us working a full 8 hours a day (Yes, actually a full work day!) and then we have the added burdens of daily life here which easily fill up the extra hours in a day. Walking to the market and carrying heavy bags full of goods, washing laundry by hand, etc….all those things take more time than you think. Then, yesterday the SUEGROS (in-laws) arrived for a two week visit.
Several things are in full swing at work. The “vivero de empresas” project with the students of the Escuela Taller began 2 weeks ago. This is the business training program that Javi and I designed to teach 30 kids with carpentry, metal work and electricity backgrounds the fundamentals of business. This summer we were busy arranging the methodology for how this program was going to work, and lining up Honduran organizations to deliver the business classes. {We could teach it, but I don’t think these poor kids want to listen to MY Spanish for 4 hours a day!!!} Our counterparts at the Escuela Taller have thrown us for several loops (read last blog post) where things were changed at the last minute or we were not told vital pieces of information. But, the program continues and we are surviving the unforeseen bumps in the road. So far the students have been through a “How to get a job” orientation and an introduction to business and now are in a 4 week program where they will make business plans based on their skills and the products/services that they can offer. Our role through this time is to assist after class hours to answer questions and help students who might be falling behind in the curriculum. These kids are 16 – 20 years old, with varying levels of education from some of the poorer areas of Comayagua, so concepts like target market and fixed/variable costs don’t always come as easy. Our next step with this project will be to help arrange the “Feria de Productos” (Product Fair) where they will show off what they can make and manage it all with their new found business skills in Comayagua’s annual town fair, the first week of December. After that, we will wrap up the education side of the program, and the kids who want to stay will have the option of selling their products and services through the school in a small store. We also are supposed to set up how the shop will function, which is another project on our plates right now.
Here is a picture from one of the sessions that Javi and I coordinated. We set up mock interviews and prepped the students on how to give answers to key questions. This student (one of the “tougher guys”) is nervously sitting though his first interview:
At the Chamber of Commerce Javi has been busy helping our university interns organize their work for upgrading the website. Although he is no webmaster, he is good at organizing people and ideas and he is great at getting people motivated. I have been working with the interns to upgrade the Chamber’s business resource library, which has not seen much attention in a long time. Most of the information they have is old and a lot is not very relevant to the needs of the community, so this has been a challenge to upgrade the content without any money. I have been organizing the students to identify areas where we need new stuff and getting them to solicit the information. We also have someone creating a digital database of the library’s content.
There is also the world map project I have been doing in a small town school near here which is almost finished! Its been a pain in the arse to get out there every Wednesday afternoon, since the buses that take you there are not always running. I never know how I will get to and from Valle de Angeles where the school is; usually a combination of bus, walking, waiting on the side of the road or catching a ride with someone. But we are down to painting the last countries which hopefully can be done in one more session. I will post the finished product when we are finally done.
Conor, our site mate who works in health has asked us to attend meetings for a group he works with, a group of people who live with HIV/AIDS. They would like to think of ways to generate funds to pay for transportation for some of the harder up members (who cannot pay the bus fare to get to the meeting in Comayagua) and would like to generate some money to pay for prescriptions and other expenses if possible. We have only gone one time, so we will see where the group takes us.
And now we have the in laws visiting as well, although they are pretty low maintenance. Mostly they are interested in seeing our lives here and what we do, so we don’t have to spend too much time entertaining.
Here is a photo I took today of Deb, Jesus and Javi in front of Comayagua’s beautiful cathedral.
I am trying to get something together to post about Honduran emigration to the States which is a HUGE issue here. I will post that soon.
Hasta pronto!