Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our Address

If you'd like to send us any goodies (especially books in the near future) use these addresses for now:

For postal service (USPS) mail/packages:

Javier or Sara Prada, PCT
Voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz
Apartado Postal 3158
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, America Central

For FedEx, UPS, or DHL mail/packages:
Javier or Sara Prada, PCT
Voluntario del Cuerpo de Paz
Avenida Republica de Chile #401
Colonia Palmira
Tegucigalpa, Honduras, America Central

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