Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

diarrhea and other things of importance

Hi there! Just a few things to update you on. First of all (these are not in any particular order) the "no problems with the stomach" issue no longer holds true. There is definitely some activity going on and lets just say, things are loosening up. Is that too much information? Hey - you guys asked for it, so we just tell it how it is! Our mama has been feeding us a lot of beans lately with a whole lot of manteca (lard) in it, so that adds to the problem. Good thing is, we are learning more and more about our mama, and she is a very sweet lady. She knows that we like liquados (drinks with fruit and milk) and she has been making them for us at every meal.
Second thing of interest is we found out today where our "volunteer visit" will be. This is a Peace Corps tradition where they send volunteers out to spend a few days with a current volunteer to aide in our "learning of the ways" here in Honduras. We get to go to La Ceiba, which is Honduras's biggest city on the beach! Woo-hoo, el Caribe! Its not all glamorous though, since La Ceiba is poor and has some rough areas. Not to worry though, we will be taken care of by and staying with another PC couple who has been living there the past few years. We hear they are a fun couple. We go next Thursday - Sunday.
This coming Saturday morning, the business group is going for a hike in a nearby protected area. Javi and I are excited for that and we'll definitely take some photos for the blog.
Thats all for now.


Grandma said...

hi babies i am at pats k is helping me y had your message but we never got down to answering i am excieted to see your messages your body will adjust i am doing good chris graduates may 11 r is 4 and half and doing good i still have yourxmas message on my phone mess makes me happy to hear your voice love ya grandma

Unknown said...

have you dreamed that everyone around you speaks your language? I had that kind of dreams when I first came to US.

Soon or later, the truth is you speak their language without any problem.

I enjoy reading your blog a lot. Lots fun stuff and advanture. Much more fun than sitting in the office and footing some stupid financial statements. : )

Unknown said...

Hi Javi and Sara!!
We just found out about your blog and will visit it often. We wanted you to know we're thinking of you. We hope you are both doing well/better. It sounds like you are on an amazing adventure. Better the two of you, than us! The most climbing we do is to the top level of our house at the shore. We enjoy seeing your pictures and reading the blog. We will keep in touch.
Uncle Charles and Linda