Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Visitors for Christmas!

Wow, it has been quite a long time since we have posted anything. (Almost a month!) Hopefully that has not disswayed what few readers we have from continuing to check up on us, but we have a good excuse. Javi and I had a total of 6 visitors here over 15 days, all coming and going in different shifts. We crisscrossed the country (several times) trying to show our guests the best of Honduras, while celebrating the holidays at home. We had fun but man, are we exhausted! Here are a few highlights from the last few weeks.
My mom, her husband Clyde, my sister and her boyfriend Andy came in on the 19th of December. We took them right away to Copan Ruins (Mayan ruins) in western Honduras. Javi and I had already been with the kids from the Escuela Taller, but this time was a little more relaxed without 30 eighteen year old Honduran dudes.

We hired a quirky English speaking guide who told us stories about the ruins and the Mayans.

It was beautiful....I don't think you can go enough times.

We also payed a visit to the bird park, where many species of tropical birds like toucans, macaws, and parrots are on display.
Toucans were my favorite!

One part of the park allowed visitors to "interact" with the birds. Here is my mom with a few, right after the blue and yellow guy had finished chewing on the buttons of her shirt.

After Copan we took the family to Comayagua to spend Christmas in our home.
Clyde got comfortable right away in the hammock.
Mom and Holly washed some laundry in the pila (that big cement area you see.) I think they had a new found respect for laundry washing in Honduras.
We made Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve..........
And opened presents on Christmas Day. (Do you like our tree?)
After a sad goodbye, we left my mom and Clyde in San Pedro Sula to catch their flight home, and Holly, Andy, and Javi & I headed to the coast to catch a ferry to the island of Utila. We met our good friends Sebastian and Erin there. They took a scuba certification course and the rest of us spent a few relaxing days on the beach.
This is the view from Holly and Andy's room. Our hotel was built right on the water. A beautiful spot!

After an awesome time there, Holly and Andy went to San Pedro Sula for their flight home, and we took Sebastian and Erin down to Comayagua. We spent New Year's here and a few days around the house.

Here they are on the "couch."

And here is Erin doing laundry too!

It was so fun! Thank you all for visiting us....we hope you had a good time!

We hope everyone had a nice Christmas break as well!

Happy New Year!

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