Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh, you know, the usual

Wow! Long time, no write…. Sorry about that, but sometimes, there is nothing to say. Life has been, well you know, sort of normal these days. Even living in Honduras it eventually gets to that point. I figured enough somewhat interesting things had happened over the last month or so to constitute a blog entry, so here it goes.

What have we been up to? Well, we found out about a grant opportunity for the Vivero de Empresas program we helped start at the Escuela Taller, so we decided to go for it. $50,000 from the World Bank. We heard about it late, with only a week and a half to pull it together, but we did it and we were proud of the proposal we turned out. The day before we turned it in we worked about 12 hours each, until 1 am, which is not exactly the usual work hours we put in. It was fun and challenging, so even if we don’t get it, we can say we put in our best effort. But since we’ve turned it in, and returned to the normal pace, we’ve both felt sort of weird with out the deadlines and challenges of the project we just completed…..more ups and downs on this roller coaster.

Other things….

Remember this guy?

Well, he has somehow recovered from his skin disease and has grown most of his hair back. He looks so much better (and happy)! Its hard to believe its the same dog.

I’ve been planting a few things with seeds my mom sent me from home.

And theres been more of the usual other random stuff we deal with, like people at work or people we know asking us to get them visas to the States….and trying to explain that we can't exactly do that for them. Theres also been the usual flow of “piropos” of varying levels of vulgarity. (Remember, piropos literally mans “complements” here, but I like to interpret it as “sexual harassment by disgusting men on the street”). I laugh, sometimes I'm angry at them, sometimes I think its so sad that it has to be that way here. I have to deal with it for two years but the women who live here deal with it their whole lives and it becomes ingrained in their psyche....

On another subject, fruit is especially delicious right now with all the heat. Mangos, bananas, papayas (not my favorite, but available), berries, so many tasty things for SO cheap. We were given these beautiful bananas by one of our neighbors….

So, we are coming up on our one year anniversary in site. We have now crossed over the half way point of our time here, and have less time to go then we've spent here in Honduras. Sometimes it seems like not enough and sometimes it seems like ENOUGH and going home is SO far away......la vida hondurena.


Annie said...

so are you sure that is the same dog? have you guys been feeding him!? :)

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