Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Dengue/Robbery Follow Up

Here are a few follow up photos from the bad luck events I wrote about last time. Things are better (time has a way of doing that) and we've been working at making things "right" again after the break in.

Here are a few pics from dengue fever:

Sick in bed:

Our friend Glenda came over with some Honduran chicken soup and some home remedies. One of her remedies included putting raw sliced onions in Javi's sock.

Javi was enjoying the home remedies:

Glenda and her husband were really sweet. They even cleaned up the whole kitchen for us, since we were in no state for doing chores. We were barely to pour a glass of water or heat up some oatmeal.

Here is the house with barbed wire we had installed since the robbery:

We sort of feel like we are living in prison. Its definitely not pretty, but LOTS of homes have it around here. We knew why before, but now we personally know why. Unfortunately security, and especially getting stuff stolen from you, is a real problem. We know vocational students at the Escuela Taller who have SO little, and they've had stuff stolen from them too, like cell phones and such, and that from people have have nothing.

This picture is a lucky one I snapped off while shooting the barbed wire. We see this cart (or ones like it) coming down our street sometimes. We live in a nice part of town on a sort of "suburban" street. Its just a reminder that although Honduras can seemed pretty developed sometimes, ox-driven carts still cruise around town and down residential streets.

We had a crappy streak there for awhile but these types of things can happen anywhere...getting sick and getting robbed.....so we are not blaming it on Honduras and just getting on with things!

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