Hey friends and family! Thanks for e-visiting us. This is our humble site which we will attempt to keep updated (with limited internet access) with information on our lives, work and travels in Honduras and Central America.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Long time no write...

I guess its been about a month since we last put something up here. We ran into a bit of a rough patch and sort of didn't want to talk about it.....but since we've put most news worthy things in our lives up on this blog since the beginning of this adventure, might as well keep up with that now that we are almost finished.

We got robbed again, and lost a few of our most valuable "worldly" goods (in Honduras)......again. This time was on a bus going to the capital. We had our laptop and ipod in a backpack in the compartment above us (things on our lap, thus the bag was not right with us). At a stop right outside of the capital a man standing in the aisle asked us to find something for him on the floor and as we looked for it, his buddy grabbed our bag and was off the bus in a second. I knew something was fishy but Javi was hip to the scam right away and ran off the bus looking for the guys before I even knew what had happened. Of course they were gone by that point. The feeling was crushing....complete disappointment in this place and anger.....

Its hard. A few weeks have passed since then and we are feeling better but its a bit difficult to not feel jaded and tired of it all.

But, on to cheerier topics....here is a picture of our close of service conference with the other volunteers who came down here with us.....(those that are still left!)

There were 35 of us left at this time....out of an original 51, so about 68% of us made it to the two year mark. Life happens and things bring people home for a variety of reasons....sometimes, like after the second robbery, you REALLY understand why.......

So we have just 7 full weeks left as peace corps volunteers in Honduras. We are officially done the 17th of April. Many people have asked us...so what is next? First we are going on a little vacation before heading home. We're planning on spending about 6 weeks on the beaches of costa rica and panama. After that we are headed back home for good and we're planning on going back to New Mexico. There might be a little back and forth at first as we visit family and get readjusted, but eventually we will be back in Albuquerque. Besides the scary job situation and downward spiral of our economy, we are super excited to be back home.....friends and family! salad! anonymity!

I'll try to keep this better updated our last little bit here, because we will be signing off the blog once we've returned. Thanks for continuing to check on us!

1 comment:

Chris Gragg said...

We can't wait for you guys to come home! Not sure if you know this, we're in Denver now....we hope to see both of you a great deal! We started our own biz www.highpointseo.com. Check it out!!